because, seriously, 90 minutes of Jason and Freddy hacking at each other would get downright boring. everyone knows there's going to be a fight to remember, so Ronny Yu opts to prolong it as far as he can and just jam packs the ending with Slasher celebrities ripping into each other. While it actually takes awhile to get to the slasher deathmatch, you know it's coming. I mean, I don't think in film history has the title been more descriptive of the point of the movie. The whole reason anyone should see this movie comes down to the three words in the title "Freddy versus Jason." If those three words do not interest you, don't even screw with FvsJ. Am I criticizing this movie? Not really since that crap-factor is a staple to the F13 franchise and the NOES sequels. Take your typical crappy Elm Street plot and cast your typical crappy Friday the 13th cast, and you have your typical crappy horror movie. You have 17 examples of what this movie is going to be like. It is not a masterpiece of cinema it is not a masterpiece of horror. So unless the audience suffers from delusions as to the quality of the franchises this movie spawns from, you'll be pretty happy.

It's A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 8 served with a side of Jason Voorhees.